Apr 28, 2010 18:03:12 GMT -5
Post by exotica on Apr 28, 2010 18:03:12 GMT -5
Name: Exotica Alias(es) (ie. Human, Tribe, Alter Ego): Human is Queen Halil and Tribe is Exotica. Nickname(s): Hally Alliance (Jellicle, Macavity, Stray, House Pet, Other Tribe): Jellicle Bio Sex: Female Gender (Optional): Female Sexual Orientation (Optional): Homosexual Age (Human Years): 28 Relations (Parents, Siblings, etc.): None Appearance: Slim, sleek and black. Her coat is shiny like it's been freshly wetted in the rain. Her tail is long, curvy and adventurous. Personality: Exotica is curious and shy all at once. Her previous experiences with humans make her trust them enough to take their food, but avoid them trying to pet her. She is fun loving and adventurous though typically on her own. The Jellicles are her family, but sometimes, she still feels wearisome. Life Story (Important for Original Characters): Exotica was once the proud ruler of a beautiful house. She owned an older human woman who spoiled her with brushings, special food and a soft bed. Until one day that human was gone and a younger male human came and started taking things from the house. When there was nothing left but boxes, the human opened the door and pushed Exotica out in to the drizzle. After a short walk to escape that retched human, she came back to find that every thing and every one was gone.